How Is Your Portfolio Like a Football Team?

Today we are going to break down the connection between football and investment strategy. Imagine your portfolio as a football team, where each position demands a distinct skill set. Just as a coach strategizes player positions, your portfolio requires careful construction. We'll explore how to divide your investments into "now, soon, and later" money, ensuring your financial game plan is tailored to your unique needs and goals. Through drills like assessing time, taxes, risk, and balancing income versus growth, you'll discover how to optimize your portfolio's performance.

As we scrimmage through these drills, you'll learn the importance of proactive management and ongoing oversight. Unlike a "set it and forget it" mindset, successful investing demands constant attention and adaptation. By understanding when each dollar needs to be in play and maintaining diversification, you'll be well-equipped to navigate the dynamic field of finance with confidence and strategy.

What You’ll Learn:

  • What matters in your portfolio design.

  • How your portfolio is similar to a football team.

  • The importance of knowing when you are going to need your money.

  • The importance of looking at your tax status.

  • How to analyze your risks.

Ideas Worth Sharing:

  • “You have to divide your portfolio into now, soon, and later money.” - Fiat Wealth Management

  • “One of the drills we are going to put your investments through is time. When does your dollar need to get in the game?” - Fiat Wealth Management

  • “You have to decide if the risk is worth the reward when it comes to your investments.” - Fiat Wealth Management



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