When Is It Enough?

How do you know when you have enough? One of the toughest skills in life is getting the goalpost to stop moving. Comparing ourselves to where others are is often the issue because there is always someone higher on the ladder. Having enough doesn’t mean you have to go without. Instead, it means you know how to appreciate what you have without constantly searching for more. So, in this episode, we will be discussing the third chapter of The Psychology of Money, titled “Never Enough,” and explaining how to find happiness in what you have.

Listen in as we describe why you should never risk the necessary things in life for things that are not necessary, regardless of how exciting it may be, and why social comparison is a very slippery slope. You will learn the importance of surrounding yourself with the right people, finding what is invaluable to you and doing what truly brings you happiness.

What You’ll Learn:

  • How to enjoy what you have instead of constantly looking for more.

  • Why you shouldn’t risk the things that are necessary for the things that are not.

  • Why social comparison is problematic.

  • The importance of surrounding yourself with the right people.

  • Where happiness is found.

Ideas Worth Sharing:

  • “Don’t risk the things that are necessary to get the things that aren’t necessary.” - Matt Stahl

  • “The gap between your results and your expectations is going to be where you’re going to find happiness.” - Brad Gotto

  • “If your expectations are always at your results or above, you’re going to live a very stressful life.” - Brad Gotto



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